Security & Privacy

Keeping kids safe online

Social media is a great place for everyone to connect, share and learn – but it can also give way to cyber bullying, loss of privacy, viruses and malware and unfortunately, predators.

For Parents:

Start the Conversation:

  • Get involved, start educating early and often. Be aware of what kids do online and start the conversation about online safety. Important topics to discuss include:
    • Online risks and consequences. Be open about the dangers of being online and let your kids know that they can go to you or their teachers if they see something that makes them uncomfortable.  
    • What goes online stays online.  Posts and pictures can be copied and shared; always pause before sharing or posting something. Never share or post information about other people without their permission.
    • Encourage kids to keep their account settings to private and to only connect with people they know in real life.
    • Cyberbullying – what it means, how it can happen, how they can help and why it’s important to report it to a trusted adult.

Be Proactive:

  • Set boundaries and rules. Outline expectations and set an example for good behaviour online, including screen time.
  • Research social media apps that your kids might be using. Understand how they work and what your kids might be doing online.
  • Turn off geotagging. Explain to your kids that geotagging photos and posting them can expose their exact locations to strangers.

For additional tips on keeping kids safe online, check out some of the content from the Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst here.